Friday, 23 March 2012


The Haggiie were everywhere. In and out of stables, barns, garages, gardens, pens, orchard, fields - everywhere! Places where I didn't even know they'd got to have become evident since they've no longer been going there! They even managed to dig up the mole-catching devices which the vermin control person distributed.  Now, though, life is back to normal. The garden is beginning to recover, divots have been replaced.  "Dull!" Linda and I admitted to each other but it was definitely time. Precious was relieved too, even though she grumped for a little while once she became aware that they were not coming home to her anymore. Each night when I shut up the chickens I would hear the poor old sow being noisily "assaulted" by her 8 voracious off-spring. It was definitely time.  Thus it was at Tuesday breakfast, the little Haggii were queueing up to get into the barn for their fed, I let them in and shut the doors behind them. Instantly weaned. They didn't notice - till they finished their food. Then as one they  automatically ran to the door, thinking to pursue further mischief outside as usual - but found their exit barred by hurdles.  They complained briefly before settling down and going to sleep..... for hours and hours. We are constantly amazed at their ability to accept change. One minute running around freely everywhere and the next shut inside ..... they make no attempt to escape. "OK - if we have to be here, we'll be here" they seem to say. In a couple of weeks, when they'll have got over their ma, they'll be equally content to go back outside again.
If only we people could be as content with our lot.

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