Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Home again

First we brought Truffle's weanlings (now known as the Banana Bunch - but more of that later) home. Then on Saturday, on our way back from Caistor Food Fair, we brought Mum home.  We had thought we might collect her at the same time as the weanlings but the purpose of her being "elsewhere" was to visit the handsome JD and when we collected the babes he was busily exerting his authority all over her. So we left them to it!
She wasn't the easiest to persuade into the trailer. ("She'll load easily" said Keith when we arrived to pick her up "She's had no breakfast so I'm sure she'll be keen to follow the feed bowl") In fact she made it quite clear that she had no intention of co-operating and gave us a fair old run-around for 20 minutes or so. In the end, however, her appetite did get the better of her and, once she'd swallowed a mouthful of food, she was 'ours'!
Arriving at this end she wasn't too sure whether or not to get out of the trailer. I threatened to get in with her - and then she was out in a flash and tucking into her feed bowl again  Since then she's either been fast asleep on her heap of hay or very vocal...... from her vantage point in the 'temporary holding quarters' - leaning against what used to be our front door -  she can easily observe all that's going on. I don't know what she makes of it but no doubt the rest of the herd do - and in some detail. The Haggii were quick to go pay a visit and find out all the news and, whilst she wasn't at all phased by them -having got used to hordes of pigs of all shapes and ages around her - she is less sure of us.  She always was a wary pig but she'll come round in her own time.
And, with luck and a following wind, in three months & three weeks' time a package of little Trufflettes will arrive to keep her happy and entertained. Nice to have her home again.

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