It was exactly a week ago today, during the Thursday Club (the weekly get together for a gossip over a glass or two of wine) that Linda told us she'd had a word with Delila because "tomorrow is THE day". Well, we pulled her leg and had a bit of a joke about it and then continued gossiping about other matters.
Friday at going home time, The Boss and I were packing up for market when Linda came in and, after a few minutes of patient conversation, announced: "Well, what did I tell you: Delila's absolutely on time; three piglets as of 5 minutes ago
Sure enough, exactly three months, three weeks, three days and the same hours and minutes no doubt, after The DEED was done (and recorded) Delila delivered her latest litter. Talk about on time!
"You'd better hang on and have a drink and then go count again in a little while" The Boss said. Apparently on the occasion of Ginger's "filmed" delivery (for The 'F' Word - which in the event ended up on the cutting room floor) it had taken 40 minutes from first to last piglet.
So after half an hour or so Linda popped out to check and returned to announce ------ "4 piglets happily suckling" and nothing much else to be seen. We were all a little bit disappointed - then rationalised that perhaps there were more who were hidden by the ones we could see.....
The Boss and I were both off to market at the crack of dawn the following day so it wasn't till we returned late in the afternoon that we learned that was indeed the case and the final count was 7 - three red and four blonde.
They're a bonny bunch - as Delila's always are: these pictures were taken on Monday morning so not even three days old and they were already queueing to get out of the ark. Another couple of weeks and they will be all over the place..... that'll be fun..... and Just in time: we'll be weaning Ginger's little Racecourses by then. No time to miss being followed around by the one lot before the next lot are taking their place..... always so quiet and peaceful here............
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