Monday, 7 May 2012

See that fence...?

 Chepstow, Aintree, Plumpton, Bangor and Rasen are over three weeks old now and it's time they let go of Ginger's curls and made their way into the big wide RectoryReserve world.... It's time for school. They need to get out and about, visit with their aunts, uncles and cousins and learn all the ancient piglore from the Mouth of the Big Boar (aka Mangal) and his mates. So Ginger's been taking them walkabout, looking for suitable exit (and re-entry) points in the fence. Trouble is, with all the rain we've been having, the perimeter fences are very inhospitable muddy places where piglets don't want to go. Can't blame them either. Nonetheless, Ginger's giving them  instruction and courage and it'll not be long before  we have to post up the sign on the bridleway warning
passers-by not to worry about piglets following them along their path! If we had a £ for every person who took the time to tell us they were being followed, or that there were piglets on our drive or lawn we'd be very happy indeed!
Meanwhile the little ones are playing around in their house and giving Ginger a hard time, even starting to eat her food - which makes her more determined to get them out of her hair for a few hours. If they don't soon find a way out it'll be a case of : "See that fence? Wheeehheeehhee over you go!" as she tosses them out!
No wonder they're looking longingly out at the world..... they want the rain to stop as much as we all do......

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