On the same afternoon we moved Victoria. She was born last October, the only girl in Ginger's litter of 5. She's rather lovely and well developed with a superb curly coat and the beginnings of curls about the ears. The loss of Precious got me thinking that Victoria, of the same line, might be a fitting replacement.
It wasn't difficult to identify a Mate for her. He needed to be of a totally different line, handsome, young and good-hearted. The Black Banana ticked all the right boxes. He'd been moved to the woods a week earlier when his brothers went on The Big Journey. He'd moped and been sad for a few days, even off his food. We told him Better Things were to Come. He didn't understand. Towards the end of the week he'd reconciled himself to his fate and was eating almost normally.
Victoria was separated from her pals with only a little delay. "I've trained her" Linda boldly announced "to eat nearest the gate": So the plan was that when she started to eat, we'd open the gate, move her bowl into the trailer and she would follow. But she didn't. Not for a while and not before she'd eaten a goodly portion of everyone else's food first. Eventually she obliged. Trotted out of the trailer and into the woods and tucked into her second dinner there. Banana, head down in his feed bowl, was oblivious to her arrival.
Till he'd finished eating. "You be gentle with him" Linda said to Victoria and went off to see to the others muttering that she hoped they'd be OK together and still "be in the same place tomorrow". Well she'd hardly gone out of sight when Banana finished his food, raised his snout and scented Another Presence. He rushed round to introduce himself. She was equally pleased to see him. "So this is why I had to leave my mates?" she must have thought. It didn't take long for the introductions and preliminaries to be out of the way before they were all over each other like the proverbial flies. Clearly we'd moved her at Just the Right Time and the pair of them were highly delighted. And continued to regale us with their delight from the depths of the woods for the next day or two. They've not left each other's side since. Ahhhhhh....
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