Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Not a dog's life

Last Thursday started out like any other. Actually, now I think of it, it didn't. Where were my morning bickies? Ohhhh. That should have been a clue. We went down Town to see the nice Vetman who usually checks my height & weight and sticks a needle in me and Bobs your uncle. Well he did all those things and suddenly I felt all dozey;instead of worrying when She went out the door and left me behind, I felt kind of sleepy. And when I woke up I was in a strange place. With strange creatures all around. And a strange blue bandage on one of my legs - the one that used to have that little lump on it. And a funny cold feeling in my ribs.
Well! Honestly;what's that all about?
She came back later and brought me home. All I wanted to do was sleep. And dream.
But I was fine next day. Even better when I'd had my mornin' bickies. Lookin' forward to my usual daily hunt & run. But strangely, She made me take her on the end of the lead. And every day since. She took that blue thing off my leg the day before yesterday. Great! I thought. Now I'll be able to run free. But worse came. Before she went up to bed she put the Huge Cone on. I froze. Why did she do that? OK. So I had inspected my missing lump - closely. But why the Cone? What's that got to do with my leg? How's a chap s'posed to sleep?
Well, the answer is, I didn't sleep. Nor the next night. I don't understand. And then tonight I'm sure my dinner disappeared too quick. I know exactly how many chewfuls I get each night. But half of them were missing.
What is going on. This is not a dog's life.
When will things get back to normal?"

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