Friday, 3 May 2013

And the piglet was Where?

Such fun to stretch one's trotters...
On Tuesday we moved Truffle's girls from the Stalls to their field pen. Since there were just the two of them we decided to do it the easy way. No breakfast. Then when Linda arrived around lunchtime we filled a bowl with food, opened the door and invited them to follow - which they obligingly did (with a few minor transgressions) down the track to the field.Once there they ran around inspecting their new boundaries, house, neighbours, undertrotter conditions..... finally, exhausted, they settled down to eat.  Sensible girls.
and there's even food outdoors........

Later that evening when I went to check, they were still lying outside under the stars - clearly enjoying the fresh air after their period indoors. However, the next morning at breakfast they appeared from their ark so presumably the fresh air became a little too 'fresh'.
Since it is still dry and sunny we decided today to move Andromeda's four girls from the stalls, where they've been for a couple of weeks since weaning, to the playpen to join Truffle's girls..... but, in view of the number of them, we felt it would be safer to move them using the trailer. We managed to catch them up in the barn - not entirely hassle free; the first to be caught was quiet; the second was noisy enough for a whole herd! That meant the last two didn't want to make it too easy to be caught! But caught they were. And popped into the trailer. The Boss transported them down to the field. Linda and I lifted one out of the trailer and carried her to the pen. Con brought the second. By the time he put her down number one had done a bunk - shot out of her pen, under the fence out of the neighbouring pen and from there into the wide outside..... and away. We tried to herd her back with some food - but she was having none of it and ran in the opposite direction. "She'll come back" we all agreed and set about fixing the pen so the others couldn't so easily get out.
Grabbing a much needed gulp of water.....
Half and hour later..... We unloaded the other two without any problem and then went off in search of the missing weaner - who by now had completely disappeared. Back to the barn? No. Back to her mum? No. The searchparty set off.  Con went one way, Linda went another and the Big Boss drove up the drive. I went with him taking the Bestest Gundog. "Drop us off here" I said "and we'll go across the fields".  Giving him the instruction "Go find piglet" I sent Gunner on his way. Hither and thither he went, across the wheatfield, along the hedgerows, around the sandpit and, finally, back in the direction of home and the piggies. Suddenly he halted beside a large pile of brash beside the hedge and pointed at something: "What is it?" I said - and he pointed more emphatically (which he can do)  so I looked again - and saw nothing. "Get it" I instructed, at which he pounced in and --- out popped a piglet.... which then dashed off under cover of the hedge! Linda, on her knees, coaxed and scrabbled and eventually caught hold of the hapless piglet.... who was then unceremoniously returned to the pen with the others. Where, after little ado, they all settled down to eat.....
After the adventure --- food!
Gunner was exhausted. "Where was it?" asked Con when he caught up with us. We told him. "But I walked by there and saw nothing". "I saw nothing even when the dog pointed it out" I said.
Which just goes to prove a dog's nose is a lot sharper than human eyes. Clever boy.... what would we do without him....? Later when I went to look, all the weaners were lying down in a pile together...... aaahhhh I just hope they stay that way....

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