Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Ginger & Mangal's 12th litter.............. It's many years since Ginger surprised us with her first litter..... November 2007 . We're surprised in a different way about this lot.  She's now a middle aged mum and we wonder how many more babies she'll be interested in caring for.
She started building her nest for this lot yesterday afternoon - there was a lot of banging and scraping as she set about demolishing certain bits of her house - crucial to the nest no doubt.... and then she went about salvaging as many bits of twigs and sticks as she could plus one very large piece of wood........ came out for her tea and parsnips and then went back indoors.
Later on when I went out to check the animals for the night all was quiet. No piglets yet. But by breakfast this morning there were seven healthy squiggling little things that were clearly born early in the night...... and Ginger came out for breakfast - admittedly not in a great hurry - as if to say "There they are, job done, no bother. I'm hungry". After breakfast she went straight back to her house, sorted out the bedding and settled down to suckle them........  later in the day one of them was already wandering about outside, obviously disoriented but otherwise strong and happy.
Clever Ginger.
The little ones don't have a name yet......

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