"I thort I'd introduce you all to some of the pals who've shared my life and made me the chap I am. I know you all know My boy Bugler and Jaunty and Waifacat so I's not gonna talk about them at all today - 'cept to say they do influence me in many many ways....
Gunner and Tony June 2008 |
The first pal is Tony; He has been in my life as long as Her and the Big Boss. So that make him my 'first' pal. He did come with them to fetch me from the nice lady who was my first humum.
He is a very larfy man who do make people smile lots, although he is a bit sad sometimes cos his Peggy did have to leave him the year after I did come here.
He help out with the hairy anipals sometimes and do come to see me every week and make a big fuss; he always scratches my bum and then larfs when I wriggle it closer to him for more! I like it when he larfs so I wriggle lots. I sense he is a very good human.
Lancer October 2007 |
Lancer and Gunner June 2008 |
Pilot |
My next pal was Lancer who the peeps did call The Best Dog in all the World. He lived with them before they moved to this place and was already a well seasoned chap when I did come along. He was very kind. He told me he was a pupski in a tiny house in the middle of a very built up area. He lived with a tiny human and her mummy and they did love him lots but never did take him out much and always did make him stay on a lead; soon he did become very crazy and did run round & round the little house and over all the chairs and things and when the little hupeep did play with him it did make him a little bit angry cos she did always pull his ears. One day the Big Boss and Her did visit and cuddle him and he went away with them. He was so happy then that he always wanted to please them. He taught me to always have good manners and please peeps. He did never go very far away from the hupeeps and She did never need to give him lessons. His favorite thing in all the world was lookin after the quackies: every time one got in the wrong place he would go and fetch it and bring it to Her to put back - he never would give it to anybody else however much they asked him. None of the quackies ever was hurt. He did the same with the chickies but he did like the quackies best. He did suffer with his legs though and had to have operashuns. It because of Lancer that we not allowed up the stairs; he not allowed with his bad legs so we all had to stay with him. Only once in my life did I be allowed to sleep by the hupeeps bed but that another story....
Lancer did go otrb when I was still quite small. I did miss him lots because my other pal who did live here was not one!
That was Pilot. From the moment I arrive here he did tell me what to do, and the older I did get the more he did tell me. He would never play with me and after Lancer did left I had to mind out for myself otherwise Pilot would tell me off. I learned to stay out of his way. But he did teach me impawtant lesson. Never to think all dogs is my pal and to respect their space at all times. This did serve me very well when I was out working with her; I did never go up to strange dogs till they did come to me first. Mind you, Buster did nearly put me off all dogs - but that another story.......
Pilot with Waifa October 2014 |
Pilot did spend all his time that he could diggin for, or chasin, rabbits. And he did pinch stuff & bury it. Anythings. Nothin could be left on the floor; it would be buried: boots, keys, watches, clothes, blankets, toys ... everything did get buried. He even buried a duck one day - it still was alive so he did leave its head stickin up out the ground so She could find it..... the peeps is still findin stuff in the garden what Pilot did bury! He was an odd chap. They did love him lots but he was difficult cos he not really loved anyone - except Waifacat. When she did come along she loved him straightaway and she was his best pal till the day he left.
Ritz, Max & Rocco April 2007 |
Last on my list of pals is the horsies. When I first did come there were three of them. Ritz was a mean chap: he was very quick with his feet and teeth so I soon learned to stay out of his stable. Max was alright though - like Rocco really: I'd go in his stable lookin for all sorts of goodies to eat - food that he'd lost in the straw or particularly tasty bits of poo and when the man came to play with his feet I did get more bits to chew. I did teach this to the Understudies and now we all go in Rocco's stable at night and see what we can pinch. He do get a little bit annoyed and pretend to chase us out or toss his head at us. We not scared tho cos he a softie. For a while after my Bird dog work did finish this year I would go out round the country with him and he not mind a bit, even slowin down to wait for me if I did get left behind. She not have to ask him to do that. He my pal and keep an eye on me all the while. I don't go out with him anymore tho cos I find it hard to run now and do get out of breath - which She say is "not a good thing". It was fun while it lasted and me and the horsey did enjoy it. He nuzzle me sometimes when I alone with him and let me sleep in his bed. He my pal.
That's it; that's all the pals in my life here. Now you know them all."
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