Wednesday 28 February 2018

Ahhhhh - the Beast has teeth

So they had the last laugh - the meterologists. Yesterday may have been pussycat stuff but today was the full-blown beast. The day dawned to extra snow and went on from there..... we were surprised by a friend coming down the drive to join us for breakfast at 0930..... and enormously relieved when he rang us after arriving back home - admitting he'd probably be the last person driving on our roads today.
Occasional bright spells have been completely overshadowed by blizzarding white-outs; impossible to walk or see through, they descend within moments, completely enveloping and closing off the rest of the world.
The dogs all had fun hunting for dummies and mice under the snow.... although none of them were too pleased to find themselves clad in masses of 'balls' when it was time to go home..... Spaniels' feathering works like a magnet on snow and the hard lumps turn to ice making them impossible to shake or rub off; there is no solution but to wait till they melt or pull them off with the teeth one by one..... Have to wonder if it's worth running through the snow.....
The poultry have spent most of the day indoors and tonight I discovered a robin shacking up in Rocco's stable for the night.... I think the birds will all be pleased when the beast moves on. Wonder when that will be; the forecasters say the weekend..... hope so... the novelty of snow - like fish - goes off after three days.
Tonight is without doubt the coldest we have had in a long long time; no moon just the wind continuing to blizzard and blow.... what will the morning bring... ???

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