Tuesday, 27 February 2018

We've had snow

Heralded as "The Beast from the East" the snow finally arrived today. !0-20 cm they said we'd get so we stocked up yesterday on animal/poultry feed and cancelled SkipperSkool this morning - fearing we might get stuck in blizzards on isolated country lanes. That amount did not fall.
It's been a beautiful day; sharp cold blustery snow and hail showers interspersed with bursts of bright sunshine and aquamarine skies. Rocco says it's nicer out than in, even though finding grass under the snow is a bit of a lottery - perhaps that's the fun of it. Free to wander in and out of his stable at will, he chooses mostly to stay out - even after dark.

Jaunty snow-woogling
Bugler enjoying the snow
The dogs approach it quite differently - Jaunty makes a spectacle of himself woogling in it; Bugler just loves the fun of running through it and Skipper really doesn't remark that it's anything particularly noteworthy at all - as far as he's concerned, the important thing is just to get on with doing whatever he's supposed to do.
By nightfall quite a lot more snow had fallen. In the bright moonlight, the countryside looks hauntingly beautiful. The wind got up; it is very cold but still does not feel like any sort of eastern beasty. The forecasters say we are in for heavier falls tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. If that's true, we could well be snowed in by Sunday and perhaps by then the soubriquet will seem fitting.....
Skipper oblivious to snow
Maybe......... we'll just watch this space.

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