Sunday, 2 March 2008

The time has come....................

"The time has come" the walrus said "to talk of many things

Of shoes,and ships and sealing wax

of cabbages and kings

Of why the sea is boiling hot

and whether pigs have wings" (Lewis Caroll Through the looking glass)

He's just over a year old; he is 4ft long from the end of his back to the top of his head between his ears; he is 3ft high and his girth is 46 inches. That computes to a weight of 17st 10 lb, or, if you prefer, 228 lbs. He is gentle, calm and complacent rather than charismatic and today is his last day.
Tomorrow Wurzel becomes unique. He is the first ever of his kind outside his country of origin (Austria) to give us the opportunity to learn how best to convert his strengths to premium charcuterie. He has had a wonderful, if not very long, life. Able to rootle and wallow around in the dirt and the mud for the past year and now he is giving us the opportunity to explore what his strengths are.
He will live on for a very long time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

poor poor Wurzel. Couldn't you have done it later or is that the time you have to if you want a decent meal.