Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Peace returns to the Poultry Palace

It has been peaceful and quiet in the yard today. The unending sound of Jemima's quacking (almost) sadly absent. Everyone going about their business, swimming, scratching around and sleeping with just moderate amounts of accompanying sounds. Pining perhaps? I even found myself going to check that everything was OK and then remembering that she had gone.

Yes. Paul and Carrie, safely (but exhaustedly) returned from their camping holiday and collected Jemima yesterday morning. They were happy to see her again; said it had been strangely quiet in their garden when they got home the evening before. They'd missed her.

I can understand that.

We miss her. We have Call Ducks but not a single one comes to call the way Jemima does. Our birds are all quite friendly ('cept for Rusty) but not a single one crouches down and 'asks' to have their back scratched. Some of them even like snails, but not one takes such gastronomic delight as Jemima did with her evening dish of crispy things.....

Perhaps one day she'll come waddling and quacking down the drive, knapsack on her back, en route to the pond for a quick swim....

Perhaps...... but I half expect it won't be long before she has a new pond of her own!

Spoilt? Her? Never

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