We had occasion to visit Little Polly Piglet in her new home yesterday. It was our first opportunity to see how she's settled and - in passing - to say "How are you" to her new boarfriend who left RectoryReserve a week ago to join her.
We found her happily esconced with her new companions - mostly Gloucester Old Spots, the odd Landrace x GOS and a Large White with "a history" known as Babe** - and still waiting to meet the Boar - he needing to be quarantined for a further two weeks. He's in Polly's old quarantine
quarters, known as the Dog Kennel with a pair of fox cubs for neighbours. No wonder he gave us such a sideways look! The Charming 'New Owner' (James Barclay) gave us a guided tour of the premises: very many pigs, even more Lincoln Red Cattle, a serious number of Jacob sheet and not a few horses. All in all - a major handful.
Little Polly is well named: she is only about a quarter the size of her companions and even when fully mature - ie. Ginger's age and size - will still only be about half their girth and height! Now I understand why Mangalitzas are described as 'medium' pigs. James is looking forward to her offspring and also - later on - to crossing her with a Gloucester Old Spot to see whether the result is spotty curly coats......... well, anything's possible......
**The story of Babe: she was 'found' seriously squashed on the A1 trunk road. Rescued and repaired, she was 'given' to James to home. She lived with the family, sharing the terrier's
kennel (together with some fox cubs) at night and having the run of the garden throughout the day. She's now a fully mature and very large lady with two litters of piglets to her name (she comes to call) and lives very contentedly with her 'sisters' in the large barn. You can just see her at the back of the trio at the feed trough! Unfortunately, we didn't have time to wait till she'd finished eating in order to get a nice full frontal!! Maybe another day.....
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