Thus it was on Friday.
The plan was to move Precious from her pen in the woods to the stalls.
The reason: to enable her to meet and mate with the Blonde Boar of her dreams! The maneouvres were all thought through; - hurdles, pig-boards, food, trailer etc etc and, of course, people were all in place. Unfortunately, we clearly had too many chiefs! The planned course of action was sabotaged at the very beginning and a very pleasant hour of 'persuading Precious' ensued. The more we persuaded, the more pig-headed she became. The more we battled to remain calm, the more wound up she became.
It was not a lot of fun.
Eventually, though, we got the better of her. She was loaded in the trailer. She was transported. She exited the trailer and was calm enough about meeting her new companions (Blonde Boar and his Number One Wife). And then all hell broke loose. Pigs don't fly? Well these three did. All around the stalls and all over each other. All trying to beat each other up and prove who was strongest.
Precious just proved herself pig-headed again.
Having assured us there was no actual violence going on, the Big Boss suggested we leave them to it. Eventually - quite some while later - the noise abated. When we went to investigate Precious was collapsed in a heaving heap on the floor - truly exhausted. The other two? They were sleeping quietly in another corner.
The battles continued for the next 24 hours but, luckily, with decreasing intensity. By Sunday they were all OK and now they are all firm friends. As the picture shows. Precious is the one in the middle of the three!
It's too late now, of course, but with the benefit of hindsight one does wonder if it is wise to breed from such a pig-headed young lady!
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