Saturday 5 November 2016

The Calendar Pic - November

Gunner & Waifa nose to nose 11-4-2009
They were never friends. By the time Gunner came along, Puddy Cat - as she was now known (nee Harpo - but that is another story altogether and told very much earlier on in this blog) had become Prima Donna of the yard. She was ever aloof, flicking her tail and strutting off if any creature dared confront her or - horror - try to sniff her.
As she matured and mellowed she did select The Big Boss as her Special Person but that was a long time after this picture was taken.
Somehow, however, with his gentle unassuming way, Gunner slowly found a way to be in Puddy Cat's space without intimidating her.  Gradually she came to accept him and allow him to be where she was. He would hover around her and watch as she moved from place to place without ever quite getting close to her.
We have a beautiful scenic view through our dining room window. It's one I often glimpse through the adjoining door as I am preparing dinner in the kitchen. On this early spring evening the sun was particularly strong and casting shadows across the carpet; I glanced through the door and was amazed to see the two creatures motionless and totally engrossed with each other. It was such an eloquent scene; even when I fetched my camera, focussed on them and took the shot neither moved.
What were they saying to each other?
I never saw them so close again.

A large framed version of this hangs above our sitting room fireplace. It will always be my favourite.