Monday 18 June 2007

The bestest dog in all the world

Lancer, at 10, is the elder spaniel. The first year of his life was spent in Milton Keynes. We 'rescued' him from there when his natural energy and exuberance became too much for the confined area he had to live in. He is the kindest natured and most obedient dog and very soon earned the nickname of "the bestest dog in all the world".

His most favourite things are food, attention and flushing birds out of the hedgerows. One of his main jobs though is to keep the poultry in order; he oversees their care, making sure they are shut up in their houses each evening and let out in the mornings and that they have food and water; and if any of them stray he's responsible for catching them and returning them either to their pens or one of the available humans. His mouth is so soft that they don't even notice they have been 'caught'.

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