Saturday 9 July 2011

Testing times

"Your dog any good at retrieving?" asked the Shooting Instructor a month back.
"Does everything he's asked" I replied.
"We've a friendly competition against the United Lincolnshire Gundog Club in a month or so. We're short of spaniels. Want to come along?" (Who said Mug?)
So, tomorrow is the day and we're off to help fly the flag for spaniels. The ULGC is all labradors. So the fighting spirit is roused. WE all know a spaniel is worth 10 Labs any day (On the other hand, Labador people will tell you that a Labrador is born half trained whereas a spaniel dies half trained.....). Of course we'll win then.
So we had a bit of a practice this afternoon.
Maybe we won't win.
Some of our team mates are a little keen.... on doing their own thing..... "Retrieve? Out of season you know" I think a few of the Cockers were saying. "WATER! GREAT! No. Definitely nothing on land. All in water!" as they ignored the bank dummies and headed straight for water...... Had to avert The Bestest Gundog's eyes. Can't have him learning their faults!
He was a star. I've fed him speed bubbles for dinner - that'll make him a shooting star then?

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