Tuesday 1 January 2013

Breaking News!

To Truffle & Samson - their first family together and the first piglets to be born at Rectoryreserve in 2013 - and I could have sworn that Victoria would farrow ahead of  Truffle!
"We're having piglets" I said to Gunner & Jaunty when we went out to shut up the chickens after dark.
Gunner, clever chap that he is, hearing the unmistakeable sounds, ran round to the small open window that faces out onto the Walnut Tree lawn... "C'mon Jaunty" he seemed to say "follow me; I'll show you what that noise is all about!" Jaunty obliged - but there wasn't much of a view there so The Bestest Gundog quickly ran round to the still open barn door - hotly pursued by his Understudy. And me. I shut the door so the new family could get acquainted without peering noses. Truffle was already grunting at the disturbance so we left the 7 little bodies clambering and squiggling and looking for the most convenient teat.....
Back in the house: "Guess who's having piglets?" I said to the Big Boss.
"Truffle" he replied without hesitation.
So I texted Linda: "Guess who's having piglets?"
"Truffle" came the reply within minutes.
(So, did nobodyelse think Victoria would be first?)
"Why u so smart?" I texted back and, as an afterthought "Guess how many?"
"7" came the response.
I think she and Truffle have been colluding......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great news many thanks for makeing me and chris so welcome happy new you to all and many more piglet