Wednesday 16 April 2014

Mrs Blackbird

Proud mother-to-be
A very bad photo I know but here's the young lady responsible for all that nest building. All this week she has been firmly ensconced in her creation, loftily observing life's little rituals below her. Rocco's totally unphased by her presence, the Bestest Gundog uses every opportunity to tell me "there's a bird up there" and Linda & I feel slightly embarrassed to be mucking out and disturbing her peace.
Which will not last long. When the eggs hatch, it'll be endless screeching as the little ones yell for increasing amounts of food to make them strong enough to leave the nest. When a whole load of other problems begin - not least surviving in a world of dogs' prying noses for long enough to learn to fly properly and get out of harm's way.

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