Monday 26 December 2011

Present from Santa Mangal

We all know that Mangal has a 'thing' about dinner bowls: sacrifices to the Gods 'n all that when Ginger's time to return to him comes round again. Well, he's really excelled himself this Christmas. Look what I saw in the ark this morning! Yep; the remains of a feed sack.
So, if a bowl means "Return, I can propitiate the Gods on your behalf" just think what a whole feed sack must mean! The fact that it was empty when Mangal requisitioned it is neither here nor there: an empty bowl foretells food to follow; an empty sack must at the very least suggest one knows the source of all feed. How more charming could a Boar be. "Worry Never Ginger, I can provide". Now - that must indeed mean a very Merry Christmas and  Prosperous New Year to Number one Sow methinks.......

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