Monday 23 January 2012


We're waiting for Precious to have her piglets.   She started making her nest yesterday. Best part of a bale of straw and lots of different size sticks. Spent most of the moring at it.
"We'll have piglets within 24 hours" I told the boss confidently when I came in.
I crept round in the dark after evening stables last night; listened outside her ark.
"No piglets yet" I reported when I went up to bed.
This morning she was late up for breakfast. Most unlike her. So I crept quietly up to the ark and saw her fast asleep in her lovely fresh straw bed --- alone.
"No piglets yet" I reported before leaving with The Bestest Gundog for another day in the field.
Rushed round when we got back this afternoon. Finding Linda in the stables changing Ritz's rug: "Any sign of piglets?" I asked.  "Nah, she's having us all on; been trotting round her pen most of the afternoon but she's looking very 'due' ".
So we're still waiting.
In the absence of pictures of little piglets I thought I'd include this photo of a beautiful Lincolnshire sunset over South Ormsby, taken last Wednesday as The Bestest etc. and I were leaving after a day's 'work' over there. Nothing at all to do with piglets.
But then, nor is Precious at the moment!

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