Monday 13 August 2012

I'm sure it's in there somewhere

The latest bunch of free-ranging piglets - Truffles Little Flowers - are as adventurous as every other bunch of piglets before them; evidence of where they have been is often more amusing than seeing where they actually are - pots strewn higgledy piggledy beside the greenhouse, a thoroughly dismembered Gro-bag in the middle of the vegetable patch, 'No' begonias where only yesterday there had been plenty of begonias. Gunner gets so tired of trying to keep them in order that he's taken to having breakfast with them just to keep his energy levels up! I think he's in danger of becoming an Honourary Piglet with all the pigfood he's been pinching..... There was a tremendous racket one day last week when the Flowers upended a feedbin and proceeded to snaffle the contents right in front of the girls whose feedbin it was. They were not amused; the noise was horrendous! We try now not to leave the bins light enough for them to overturn! However, little snouts are everywhere and it's not just big bins that have food at the bottom.....

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