Friday 24 August 2012

Truffle not to be trifled with

 Friday - so pig moving day again.
  Truffle's Little Flowers were due for weaning; it seemed a bit mean to shut the hurdle on them whilst they were eating but they didn't mind. They're in The Stalls now for a few weeks.They'll rest their tired legs,be well fed and grow strong again before going out into their outdoor pens again. Meanwhile, we moved Delila away from Samson. She was relieved. Her Time is drawing nearer and she needs to be alone to contemplate and grow healthy piglets.
Truffle therefore was moved up to Samson.
She went happily. He was contented. They hardly noticed each other. Well, she's not in season yet.
When I went out late this evening to shut up
the poultry and check the pigs and ponies there was the most awful cacophony going on.
Investigating, I found Truffle in with the boys next door to Samson. Clearly she likes young lads not old Timers.
By the time I'd reported that to the Big Boss and gone out again she'd left the youngsters and moved in with the next lot of young lads - her own offspring - who, along with Mangal next door were making a terrific racket. What to do - in the dark with nobody else around?
So, thanks to food, I moved her into the empty boy's pen where -hopefully - she'll spend the night on her own and then we'll have to think about moving back to where she needs to be by the time she's in season --- which will be about Tuesday ----- which, coincidentally, is when we'll be home again from the Bank Holiday weekend food fairs!!
We always said Truffle had a mind of her own.
Not to be trifled with.
Hrmph. We'll see.
Meanwhile her little Flowers are fast asleep in The Stalls - probably glad to have a good rest...... and extra feed.....

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