Thursday 1 September 2011

The art of vegetable collection

 Regular followers will know that we have been keeping an eye on our curly coats' waistlines by substituting up to 50% o their proprietary diet with organic vegetables.
It's taken a while and given us a few head and muscle aches but I think we have finally perfected the collection method. We started a few months back using the pig trailer which proved not to be big enough (not to mention people kept hitting their head on its roof when loading trugs of veg into it).
So we progressed to using the horse trailer.
That was OK for a while but it became increasingly arduous to manhandle the veg. trugs into and out of the trailer. Added to which, in order to optimise the collection, we were in danger of overloading the trailer and it was in danger of over-stretching the gear box on the 4X4. So The Boss set about finding a more suitable method of transport.
And in his inimitable fashion he quickly found just what we needed in Sheffield.,
Willie, the Transit tipper truck, (named after his registration plate?!) has been with us for a few weeks and certainly solved one or two of the problems straightaway, but it was only this week that it all came together.
Today for the first time we managed to load up with about a tonne and a half of loose veg. (baby cauliflower and broccoli, for the record) - in no time at all (once we found the man who could operate the forklift which could up-end the giant containers and tip the contents into the truck). And it was all held firmly on board by the rather smart tailor-made tarpaulin cover which The Boss ordered from a local firm a couple of weeks back and collected at the beginning of this week. All very smart and all very efficient. It'll be an even quicker process next week now that we know how many bins of veg. Willie can carry and how to fix the tarp.! (it took us about 15 minutes to work it out today - as with most things, it's not quite as simple as it looks).
However, now that we have mastered the art of vegetable collection we are happy people ......and that makes for happy piggies.

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