Tuesday 30 August 2011

Reprise indoor hunting

Great kerfuffle in the background as I was finishing off the blog before this one. Unmistakeable sound of cat - and this time the innocent and lady-like Puddy Cat not the dastardly Waifa - playing in the hall with - what?
So off I go with my constant canine companion to investigate. Sure enough something small and black runs under the sideboard. Dog's nose instantly follows - bump! Black furry thing runs out other side into front porch; dog follows fast; thing hides behind umbrella pot; dog follows; great thump and scrape as dog moves pot; black furry thing shoots out the side................. straight into Dog's jaw. Which clamps shut and goes "gulp" as he - yes - swallows it even as I'm telling him to give it to me.
I've had to go back to this photo of him as an innocent put just to calm myself down.....:~(

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